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Cindy 3D

Bringing 3D to Cinderella

Command reference


1   Initialization and Execution

1.1   Starting a sequence of 3D commands: begin3d()


This function must be called before any 3D drawing commands are executed. It initializes the Cindy3D subsystem, and starts recording drawing instructions. The actual drawing happens only once the scene is done and end3d() is called.

1.2   Finishing a sequence of 3D commands: end3d()


This command ends a sequence of 3D drawing commands, and renders the result to the Cindy3D display window.

2   Object appearance

2.1   Saving the default appearance: gsave3d()


Saves the current default appearance by pushing it onto the appearance stack.

2.2   Restoring the default appearance: grestore3d()


Restores the default appearance which was last saved on the appearance stack.

2.3   Set default color: color3d(<colorvec>)


Sets the default color for all types of objects.

the default color to set

2.4   Set default point color: pointcolor3d(<colorvec>)


Sets the default color for points.

the default point color to set

2.5   Set default line color: linecolor3d(<colorvec>)


Sets the default color for lines.

the default line color to set

2.6   Set default surface color: surfacecolor3d(<colorvec>)


Sets the default surface color.

the default surface color to set

2.7   Set default opacity: alpha3d(<real>) or surfacealpha3d(<real>)


Sets the default opacity value for surfaces.

the default opacity value to set, range [0,1]

2.8   Set default shininess: shininess3d(<real>)


Sets the default shininess factor for all types of objects.

the default shininess factor to set

2.9   Set default point shininess: pointshininess3d(<real>)


Sets the default shininess factor for points.

the default point shininess factor to set

2.10   Set default line shininess: lineshininess3d(<real>)


Sets the default shininess factor for lines.

the default line shininess factor to set

2.11   Set default surface shininess: surfaceshininess3d(<real>)


Sets the default shininess factor for surfaces.

the default surface shininess factor to set

2.12   Set default size: size3d(<real>)


Sets the default size for points and lines.

the default point and line size to set

2.13   Set default point size: pointsize3d(<real>)


Sets the default size for points.

the default point size to set

2.14   Set default line size: linesize3d(<real>)


Sets the default size for lines.

the default line size to set

3   Drawing

3.1   Drawing points: draw3d(<point>)


Draws a point.

the position of the point


This function can handle the following modifiers:

Modifier Parameter Effect
size <real> sets the point size
color [<real1>,<real2>,<real3>] sets the point color to an RGB value
shininess <real> sets the shininess

3.2   Drawing lines: draw3d(<point1>,<point2>)


Draws an infinite line, ray or segment. The type of line to be drawn is specified by the "type" modifier. When no type is given, a segment is drawn by default. The two arguments are interpreted depending on the line type:

Line type <point1> <point2>
Segment First end point Second end point
Ray Ray origin Arbitrary point on ray, different from origin
Line Point on line Point on line, different from first point


This function can handle the following modifiers:

Modifier Parameter Effect
type <string> specifies the line type (values "segment", "ray", and "line" allowed)
size <real> sets the line size
color [<real1>,<real2>,<real3>] sets the line color to an RGB value
shininess <real> sets the shininess


The following example illustrates drawing different line types:

// draws a red segment, between (0,0,0) and (1,0,0)
// draws a green segment, between (0,0,0) and (0,1,0)
// draw a blue ray starting at (0,0,0), extending along the positive z axis
// draw a yellow line passing through (1,1,1) and (2,1,1)


3.3   Connecting points: connect3d(<list>)


Draws line segments connecting a sequence of points.

the list of points to connect. For a list of n points, n-1 line segments are drawn.


This function can handle the following modifiers:

Modifier Parameter Effect
size <real> sets the line size
color [<real1>,<real2>,<real3>] sets the line color to an RGB value
shininess <real> sets the shininess

3.4   Drawing a polygon outline: drawpoly3d(<list>)


Draws the outline of a polygon.

the vertices (corner points) defining the polygon


This function can handle the following modifiers:

Modifier Parameter Effect
size <real> sets the line size
color [<real1>,<real2>,<real3>] sets the line color to an RGB value
shininess <real> sets the shininess

3.5   Drawing a filled polygon: fillpoly3d(<list>)


Draws a filled polygon.

the vertices (corner points) defining the polygon


This function can handle the following modifiers:

Modifier Parameter Effect
size <real> sets the surface size
color [<real1>,<real2>,<real3>] sets the surface color to an RGB value
shininess <real> sets the shininess
alpha <real> sets the opacity

3.6   Drawing a filled polygon with custom normals: fillpoly3d(<list1>,<list2>)


Draws a filled polygon with user-defined normals.

the vertices (corner points) defining the polygon
the normal vectors of the polygon's vertices. The lengths of <list1> and <list2> must match.


This function can handle the following modifiers:

Modifier Parameter Effect
size <real> sets the surface size
color [<real1>,<real2>,<real3>] sets the surface color to an RGB value
shininess <real> sets the shininess
alpha <real> sets the opacity

3.7   Drawing a filled circle: fillcircle3d(<point>,<vec>,<real>)


Draws a filled circle.

the center of the circle
the normal vector of the circle
the radius of the circle


This function can handle the following modifiers:

Modifier Parameter Effect
size <real> sets the surface size
color [<real1>,<real2>,<real3>] sets the surface color to an RGB value
shininess <real> sets the shininess
alpha <real> sets the opacity

3.8   Drawing a sphere: drawsphere3d(<point>,<real>)


Draws a sphere.

the center of the sphere
the radius of the sphere


This function can handle the following modifiers:

Modifier Parameter Effect
size <real> sets the surface size
color [<real1>,<real2>,<real3>] sets the surface color to an RGB value
shininess <real> sets the shininess
alpha <real> sets the opacity

3.9   Drawing a mesh: mesh3d(<int1>,<int2>,<list>)


Draws a grid-based mesh. The vertices are organized in a regular grid of m rows and n columns. Neighbouring vertices in a row or column are connected by edges. Quadliteral faces are formed by combining the edges of each grid cell. To simplify the rendering of meshes, each quadliteral face is split along one of its diagonals into two triangles.

The behaviour at the borders of the surface can be specified by the "topology" modifier. When this modifier is not present, an open topology is assumed.

Topology Description
Open No additional edges or faces, resulting in a total total of \((m-1)\times(n-1)\) quadliteral faces. The surface has two sides and one border.
Close rows Additional edges are introduced connecting the first and last vertex of each row. Also corresponding faces are generated, resulting in a total of \((m-1)\times n\) quadliteral faces. The surface has two sides and two borders.
Close columns Additional edges are introduced connecting the first and last vertex of each column. Also corresponding faces are generated, resulting in a total of \(m\times(n-1)\) quadliteral faces. The surface has two sides and two borders.
Close both Additional edges are introduced connecting the first and last vertex of each row as well as the first and last vertex of each column. Also corresponding faces are generated, resulting in a total of \(m \times n\) quadliteral faces. The surface has two sides and no border.

The way surface normals are computed is specified by the "normaltype" modifier. When this modifier is not present, per face normals are computed.

Normal type Description
Per face The normal at each surface point is the normal of the triangular face it belongs to. This can result in shading discontinuities along face edges, revealing the underlying grid structure.
Per vertex The normal at each grid vertex is the average normal of the adjacent faces. For all other surface points the normal is computed by taking the three normals of the grid vertices forming the triangular face the point belongs to, and doing a linear combination of them with the barycentric coordinates of the point as coefficients. This results in smooth shading, hiding the underlying grid structure to a certain degree.
the number of grid rows, m
the number of grid columns, n
the vertices of the grid, in row-major order. The length of this list must equal \(m \times n\) .


This function can handle the following modifiers:

Modifier Parameter Effect
normaltype <string> specifies the normal type (values "perFace" and "perVertex" allowed)
topology <string> specifies the grid topology (values "open", "closeRows", "closeColumns", and "closeBoth" allowed)
size <real> sets the surface size
color [<real1>,<real2>,<real3>] sets the surface color to an RGB value
shininess <real> sets the shininess
alpha <real> sets the opacity


3.10   Drawing a mesh with custom normals: mesh3d(<int1>,<int2>,<list1>,<list2>)


Draws a grid-based mesh with user-defined normals. For a description of how the grid is formed, refer to mesh3d(<int1>,<int2>,<list>).

the number of grid rows, m
the number of grid columns, n
the vertices of the grid, in row-major order. The length of this list must equal \(m \times n\) .
the normals for each vertex, in row-major order. The length of this list must equal \(m \times n\) .


This function can handle the following modifiers:

Modifier Parameter Effect
topology <string> specifies the grid topology (values "open", "closeRows", "closeColumns", and "closeBoth" allowed)
size <real> sets the surface size
color [<real1>,<real2>,<real3>] sets the surface color to an RGB value
shininess <real> sets the shininess
alpha <real> sets the opacity


4   Lighting and scene appearance

4.1   Set background color: background3d(<colorvec>)


Sets the scene background color to an RGB value.

the scene background color to set

4.2   Position the camera: lookat3d(<point1>,<point2>,<vec>)


Sets the position, look at point and up vector of the camera.

the position of the camera
the look at point of the camera
the up vector of the camera

4.3   Set field of view: fieldofview3d(<real>)


Sets the field of view of the camera.

horizontal field of view of the camera. Must be in range \(]0,\pi[\)

4.4   Set visible depth range: depthrange3d(<real1>,<real2>)


Sets the minimum and maximum camera depth. The camera depth of a point is its distance to the camera plane (the plane through the camera and orthogonal to the viewing direction). All objects or parts thereof which don't fall into the current camera depth range are not visible.

4.5   Set rendering hints: renderhints3d()


Sets hints for various aspects of the rendering process. The rendering hints are specified by the following four modifiers:

  • The "quality" modifier allows to select from a fixed set of predefined quality levels. Quality level 0 is the worst quality but needs the least resources. The highest quality level is 8, which provides a very good quality at the cost of high resource requirements. The predefined quality levels are a simple way to influence the overall rendering quality without having to specify seperate rendering hints. When the requested quality level is not supported (e.g. due to hardware limitations or resource constraints), Cindy3D might fall back to a lower level.

  • The "renderMode" modifier specifies how the objects are rendered. When it is "simple", all objects are rendered as triangle meshes. In this modethe shading is done per vertex, resulting in shading artifacts. When the render mode is set to "raycasted", points, lines, and spheres are rendered as continuous surfaces using ray casting. Also the shading is done per pixel. The "raycasted" render mode produces higher quality results, but might be slower depending on the graphics hardware.

  • The "screenError" modifier sets the allowed screen space error for the level of detail algorithm. In the "simple" render mode, points, lines, and spheres are approximated by triangle meshes. As an optimization, small or far away objects are represented by meshes with fewer triangles to reduce rendering time. This is called "level of detail". Cindy3D uses a fixed number of triangle meshes with different triangle counts for each primitive type. To determine which of these meshes to draw for a specific primitive, each mesh is virtually projected onto the screen and the maximum triangle size in pixels is measured. The smallest mesh for which the maximum projected triangle size is below the "screenError" is then used for rendering the primitive. This means that lower values of "screenError" result in higher quality, at the cost of rendering time.

    This modifier has no effect when used in conjunction with the "raycasted" render mode.

  • The "samplingRate" modifier influences the smoothness of object silhouettes. The sampling rate defines the number of samples that are taken for each pixel of the output image. The final pixel color is an average of all its samples. The higher the sampling rate, the smoother the object silhouettes appear, at the cost of increased memory and time consumption. When the requested sampling rate is not supported (e.g. due to hardware limitations or resource constraints), Cindy3D might fall back to a lower sampling rate.


The function can handle the following modifiers:

Modifier Parameter Effect
quality <int> selects one of the predefined quality levels (values in [0,8] allowed)
renderMode <string> sets the rendering mode (values "simple" and "raycasted" allowed)
samplingRate <int> sets the number of samples taken per pixel (integer values from 1)
screenError <real> specifies maximum allowed screen space error in pixels (must be larger than 0)

4.6   Set up a point light: pointlight3d(<int>)


Creates or modifies a point light source. If the light source at the given index is already a point light, overrides the properties specified by the modifiers and enables the light. Otherwise, replaces the light source at the given index by a new point light with the properties from the modifiers. In absence of a modifier, its default value is used.

light source index. Must be in range [0,7].


The function can handle the following modifiers:

Modifier Parameter Effect
ambient [<real1>,<real2>,<real3>] sets the ambient light color to an RGB value (default: [0,0,0])
diffuse [<real1>,<real2>,<real3>] sets the diffuse light color to an RGB value (default: [1,1,1])
specular [<real1>,<real2>,<real3>] sets the specular light color to an RGB value (default: [1,1,1])
position <point> sets the light position (default: [0,0,0])
frame <string> specifies whether the position is relative to the camera frame or absolute (values "camera" and "world" allowed, default: "camera")

4.7   Set up a directional light: directionallight3d(<int>)


Creates or modifies a directional light source. If the light source at the given index is already a directional light, overrides the properties specified by the modifiers and enables the light. Otherwise, replaces the light source at the given index by a new directional light with the properties from the modifiers. In absence of a modifier, its default value is used.

light source index. Must be in range [0,7].


This function can handle the following modifiers:

Modifier Parameter Effect
ambient [<real1>,<real2>,<real3>] sets the ambient light color to an RGB value (default: [0,0,0])
diffuse [<real1>,<real2>,<real3>] sets the diffuse light color to an RGB value (default: [1,1,1])
specular [<real1>,<real2>,<real3>] sets the specular light color to an RGB value (default: [1,1,1])
direction <vec> sets the light direction (default: [0,-1,0])
frame <string> specifies whether the direction is relative to the camera frame or absolute (values "camera" and "world" allowed, default: "camera")

4.8   Set up a spot light: spotlight3d(<int>)


Creates or modifies a spot light source. If the light source at the given index is already a spot light, overrides the properties specified by the modifiers and enables the light. Otherwise, replaces the light source at the given index by a new directional light with the properties from the modifiers. In absence of a modifier, its default value is used.

light source index. Must be in range [0,7].


This function can handle the following modifiers:

Modifier Parameter Effect
ambient [<real1>,<real2>,<real3>] sets the ambient light color to an RGB value (default: [0,0,0])
diffuse [<real1>,<real2>,<real3>] sets the diffuse light color to an RGB value (default: [1,1,1])
specular [<real1>,<real2>,<real3>] sets the specular light color to an RGB value (default: [1,1,1])
position <point> sets the light position (default: [0,0,0])
direction <vec> sets the light direction (default: [0,-1,0])
cutoffAngle <real> sets the cutoff angle of the spot cone (in radians, values in \([0,\frac\pi2]\) allowed, default: \(\frac\pi4\) )
exponent <real> sets the attenuation exponent (values in [0,128] allowed, default: 0)
frame <string> specifies whether position and direction are relative to the camera frame or absolute (values "camera" and "world" allowed, default: "camera")

4.9   Disable a light source: disablelight3d(<int>)


Disables the light at the given index.

light source index. Must be in range [0,7].